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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Do I need Hydrogen peroxide at home?

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a wonder chemical which we should have at home. It is available in medical shops. 
This wonder chemical has lots of uses:

  • ·        Dilute Hydrogen peroxide 3ml with 100ml water and use it to wash wounds/burns. It is a mild antiseptic and prevents infection.

  • ·        Soak your feet in a tub of water containing hydrogen peroxide 5ml to remove bacteria and germs. It softens the skin and removes the disease causing bacteria that access our body easily through feet. It gives a pedicured look to our feet!

·        Dilute Hydrogen peroxide with water and use as a mouth rinse to remove mucus / bad breath or to relieve minor mouth irritation .

·        Dilute Hydrogen peroxide with water and use for washing face to remove bacteria and germs which cause pimples

·        Add a small bottle cap level of hydrogen peroxide to bath tub. Bathing with this water makes one fresh and clean. A natural deodorant indeed!
·        Hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda removes stains from teeth
·        Gargle your mouth with hydrogen peroxide to get relief from toothache
·        Hydrogen peroxide diluted with water is used to disinfect fruits/vegetables/tooth brush/ containers/fridge and many more such materials which require  disinfection and cleaning
·        Soaking nails in hydrogen peroxide whitens them, brightens them!
·        In kitchen/bathrooms/glass surfaces/cutting board/floors/rugs/sponges  etc  it is used to remove stains and dirt
·        Hydrogen peroxide bleaches stains on white fabrics and bleaches if used on colour clothes
·        Diluted hydrogen peroxide added to flasks removes stains and bad odour
·        Wiping mixie parts , juicers ,lunch boxes, closed containers etc with hydrogen peroxide removes stains and odour
·        Seeds soaked in hydrogen peroxide give better germination results
·        Most of the time the gaps in between the tiles are full of dirt. It removes the aesthetic appearance of the floor. Use hydrogen peroxide solution to whiten the gaps in floors.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

easy ice cream making ----

This I found in internet . It was a facebook post which I tried and found appreciable!
Making a nutritious ice gola!
Cut pieces of fruits like ripe mango, guava, kiwi, cherry, banana . Let it be colourful and to our choice of taste. Pack the pieces into a mould or a tumbler if icecream mould not available. place an stick inside and pour coconut water or tender coconut water. Keep in refrigerator. After it freezes , slowly rotate the stick and take off from the container. We get a nutritious ice cream rich in minerals and vitamins and of course, good to taste!

Benefits of lemon tea!

Benefits of lemon tea
How to prepare a good lemon tea?
Take 200ml water and boil well . Add 1 teaspoon tea (powder or leaf) and put off the flame . Leave it to brew for 3minutes. Filter off through  a sieve and add sugar. Stir well till sugar dissolves. Add 6 drops of lemon juice and stir once. Now hot lemon tea is ready. When lemon is added it decolourises the tea and we get a reddish orange colour.
The benefits of Lemon tea  are many, few of which are mentioned below:
  • Lemon tea supports functioning of liver and digestive system
  • It controls blood sugar levels
  • It also helps in the control of obesity
  • Lemon not only adds flavour to tea but offers multiple health benefits
  • Since it is rich  in ascorbic acid or vitamin C, it enhances our immunity
  • It is rich in antioxidants and helps us in fighting against bacteria and virus
  • Lemon tea helps in restoring the water lost from our body through dehydration. It keeps skin smooth and soft
  • It helps us in detoxifying the waste from our body
  • It is rich  in minerals like potassium and good for the brain and nerve function
  • It is anti-inflammatory and used in treating inflammations in our body which is the cause of many ailments
  • It is good for asthma patients and those who have respiratory problems
  • Lemon is a good pH neutralizer.
  • Lemon helps in preventing accumulation of uric acid in the joints which causes inflammation and pain in joints
  • Lemon tea helps in cleansing our mouth too!.It is a natural refresher.
  • Since it is rich  in vitamin C, we are not likely to get vitamin C associated diorders like Scurvy. Vitamin C helps in quick healing of wounds
  • It reduces stress (aromatherapy)
  • In summer lemon tea aids to overcome the heat
  • It soothens a sore throat and advisable in cold
  • It reduces headache
