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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Benefits of Ear Piercing

Benefits of Ear Piercing

  • This helps in maintaining the reproductive organs and  regularity of menstrual cycle.
  • It helps in preventing hysteria
  • Ear rings help in maintaining the flow of electricity or charges in the body. Charges are lost from the body  through skin. Bangles or ear rings are round in shape and help in restoring this  loss of charges.
  • prevents hernia in male
  • prevents accumulation of fluid in testicles 
  • piercing the  ear lobe activates the brain
  • it helps in memory boost
  • piercing when done in the stages of brain development enhances activation ofbrain.
  • Less than 1 year is the recommended age for ear piercing as the brain growth is rapid in this stage
  • it also helps in enhancing eye  vision
  • Keeps digestive system updated  
  • Courtesy:

How to keep bananas fresh for long?

Bananas can be kept ripe and fresh for long by wrapping with a polythene cover. Ethylene gas released hastens the ripening process. Covering with plastic sheet, prevents contact with ethylene and prevents ripening.

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Know about Google!

We all use Google.
But What is this Google? Why this name?
Few interesting facts:
Google company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
It started in 1998

Googol is a mathematical term for 1 followed by 100 zeros..
This became google !
Denotes the founders vision to have infinite information on the web.
THe headquarters is Googleplex in California
The offices are in 40 countries all over the world