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Thursday, February 11, 2016

why should the filter in water doctor or pureit be cleaned once in 6 months?

The water doctor or pureit water filter we use at home contains activated carbon as the adsorbent. Activated carbon has the  potential to remove odour colour micobes organic and other in organic impurities.  All these impurities get adsorbed (not absorbed) on the surface of the carbon. Every time water passes through the carbon the impurities get adsorbed and Clean water gets filtered. This process goes on till the surface can hold the impurities.  After the whole surface is filled with a layer of impurities the activated carbon can no more hold impurities and it slowly starts desorbing. When we don't change filter desorption takes and when we drink this water infact we are consuming all microbes accumulated along with desorbed impurities.
Therefore we should change the filters or best way is to boil water for at least 15min and drink.

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