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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tip of the day- how to wake up a student sleeping in class without hurting his/her feelings

One of the challenges faced by teachers handling post-lunch session is facing dozing wards. How can a teacher handle this situation?  I asked this to my students to lend their ideas as to how we can make the student wake up.
these were some of the ideas given by students: (Though i am not for all these , still i mention them)
1. call the student by name and ask her a question
2.ask the student to go and wash face and come back
3. stop the class and tell a story
4. tell a joke
5. ask the whole class to stand and sit so that , that 1 student alone is not hurt
6. ask questions to that row of students

I totally disagree to this. This would disturb the whole class and also if you ask question to the student, she will definitely feel hurt. Even if we dont ask question but ask her to freshen up and come , the student feels hurt when pointed out that she is sleeping in class.
So What can be done !  We should not stop the class, but at the same time must not allow the  students to sleep or doze off. Follow this simple technique:
When ever a teacher is assigned a particular class, before we enter the  class it is essential that we are familiar with the names of few students . When we find a student dozing just call the person sitting next to her. Say Nithya is sleeping and Anitha is sitting next to her, Simply say" understood Anitha? " THis will alert Anitha and Nithya. Then  after 5 min we can say "is it ok Nithya"? This sort of spelling out names makes the child feel that you are giving importance to her. She not only feels happy motivated and encouraged but will not sleep say atleast for another hour.  In a similar manner if we call names of students sitting in 8 corners of the class then the whole class will be attentive . When one name is spelt out the students surrounding that student also become alert. This method makes the students to be alert in class and we teachers are not allowing them to sleep or we don't hurt their ego .
Happy teaching to teachers!!!

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