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Friday, January 11, 2019

Interesting facts

  1. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  2. The human brain has a memory capacity which is the equivalent of more than four terabytes on a hard drive., 
  3. The human embryo acquires fingerprints within three months of conception.
  4. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.
  5. Not only human beings, but also koalas have unique finger prints.
  6. The fragrance of apples and bananas can help a person to lose weight.
  7.  .If one identical twins lacks a certain tooth, the other twin will not have that tooth either.
  8. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  9. Our eyes remain the same size as they were at birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. 

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