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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dangers of cellphone
Children’s skulls are thinner and their brains contain more fluid than adults’. Radio frequencies travel through children’s brains much more easily and therefore increase the risk of cancer.
Don’t use a cell phone with babies or young children on your lap or in your  arms.
Ultrasounds and electronic fetal monitoring also expose your unborn infant to EMR. You may want to consider avoiding these procedures unless
absolutely necessary

Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
Don’t use a cell phone with babies or young children on your lap or in your arms.
Ultrasounds and electronic fetal monitoring also expose your unborn infant to EMR. You may want to consider avoiding these procedures unless absolutely necessary.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
Regular phones are your safest bet for conversations and work.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom
Relapses (May 2008)
The base of a cordless phone emits high levels of EMR, even when the phone is not being
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom
Relapses (May 2008)
By moving the cell phone just 5 cm (approximately 2 inches) away from your head while talking on it, you reduce the electromagnetic radiation that reaches your head by 75%.
You cut your EMR exposure to less than 1% by keeping the cell phone over 18 cm (approximately 7 inches) away from any part of your body.
Reference: R. B. Herberman, MD, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008)
The hip produces 80% of the body’s red blood cells and is especially vulnerable to EMR
damage. Close proximity may also affect fertility.
Reference: Dr. George Carlo, Medical Alert: Aggravated Symptom Relapses (May 2008)
Headsets, including the ear
buds that come with most cell
phones today, have been
shown to act as antennae,
channeling the EMR directly
into the ear canal.


the power of red colour

Red colour reflects light since it is of longer wavlength and hence lesser energy. Thats why it is advisable to wear red colour dress during summer. Red reflects light thats the reason why we keep a red bindi between the brows exactly in the centre, so that it keeps the centre cool. the power of our body is concentrated in  different areas in our body and one such place is in the forehead between our brows.


dioxin problem and breast cancer

Women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car.
The heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic of the bottle which releases dioxin into the water. Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue.
No plastic containers in microwaves.
No plastic water bottles in freezers.
No plastic wrap in microwaves.

Dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
Dioxins are highly poisonous to cells in our bodies.
Don't freeze plastic
bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.
Recently the Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard.

He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.He said that we should not be heating food in the microwave using plastic containers......
This especially applies to foods that contain fat.

He said that the combination of fat, high heat and plastic releases dioxininto the food.

Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Pyrex or ceramiccontainers for heating food... You get the same result, but without the dioxin..
So, such things as TV dinners,instant soups, etc.,should be removed from their containers and heated in something else.

Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper.It's safer to use tempered glass, such as Pyrex, etc.

He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away
from the styrene foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons....

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Cling film, is just as dangerous when
placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave.
As the food is nuked, the high
heatcauses poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food..
Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life

Antibiotic effect of garlic on cooking

Chemistry is a fascinating subject. It is our life! We eat chemistry, breathe chemistry and in short live with chemistry! This article elucidates the chemistry involved while cooking garlic and its impact on its medicinal properties.

Cooking involves interesting chemistry and knowing the reactions would benefit us to utilize the nutrients and prevent nutrient loss. We all know the health benefits of garlic. It helps in preventing accumulation of cholesterol in the body. It is known for its antibiotic properties. Two recent studies on the antibiotic potency of garlic have proved that garlic was effective against pathogens that were resistant to even drugs. Garlic juice is even reported to be effective against ciprofloaxacin resistant staphylococci.

The smell of garlic is due to the compound diallyl sulphide present in it.


( C Stands for carbon; H for hydrogen and S for sulphur)

The molecule alliin present in garlic has no antibiotic properties.  This molecule affects immune responses in blood.
When garlic is crushed, as we do for making rasam, allinase an enzyme comes out and this breaks down alliin and removes one half of the molecule.

 The one half left combines with another similar half and a water molecule is eliminated forming allicin.


Half of allin                             Half of allin                                      Allicin

Allicin is a colourless liquid having pungent smell and has antibacterial and           antifungal properties.

This allicin is highly antibiotic and is the compound responsible for  the antibiotic properties of garlic.

Thus crushed garlic in food will kill the bacteria in food. When food is cooked allicin breaks down to diallyl disulphide and hence is no longer antibiotic. Garlic in cooked foods is healthy but it may not have antibiotic effect. Therefore in conditions of fever, when we give rasam, we should have in mind that cooking spoils the antibiotic effect of garlic and hence garlic should be crushed and added at the end of preparation.

hai alll