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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Treating arthritis..

Arthritis is a condition common now a days. Rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis.
There are several methods of treating arthritis.
The most common is use of drugs as anti inflammatory agents or pain killers.
One indigenous way of treating arthritis is by using simple easily available chemicals . Apple cidar is nothing but acetic acid from fruit sources. This apple  cidar has many constituents like catechin, epicatechin etc and calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins.
Apple cidar is capable of neutralising the alkalinity of the body.
Uric acid deposition in joints causes inflammation and pain. This can be overcome by intake of apple cidar.
2 teaspoons apple cidar diluted with 50ml Water can be taken in twice a day to ease pain.
If thetaste is not tolerable it can be mixed with honey.
Apple cidar with rock salt when applied to knee and covered with a cloth can reduce pain considerably reduce joint pain.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Get rid of vitamin B deficiency...

Vitamin B is a common deficiency seen in all age groups.
Wash parboiled or raw rice well and discard the water.add drinking water to the washed rice and leave it for 5min. Using your hand wash the rice well. Decant the water into a container. This water is rich in vitamin B1 (thiamine). Compared to B complex vitamins this rice water supplement is easily absorbed by the body. Most of the organic forms of the vitamin that is those from natural sources, are easily absorbed rather than synthetic vitamins. one can observe that more % of vitamin is eliminated in urine (yellow colour!) rather than being absorbed.
People who eat raw rice (  a disorder called Pica) or those who have ulceration /wound in mouth may be deficient in Vitamin B1. Such people may also feel themselves weak, tired and may suffer from back pain. Drinking this rice washed solution will supply Vitamin B1 to the body in adequate amounts and we can see a difference in just 5 days.

Solar eclipse myth and facts…. It is claimed that if a pregnant woman goes out during an eclipse, her baby will be born with a cleft lip

Solar eclipse myth and facts…. It is claimed that if a pregnant woman goes out during an eclipse, her baby will be born with a cleft lip
For long I was academically busy that I couldn’t update my blog. One of my students called me last week and wanted some interesting matter on eclipse to be uploaded. So I decided to have this week’s blog update as solar eclipse myth and the logical scientific reasons behind.
Solar eclipse means moon in between sun and earth. In villages, they place a pestle (called ulakkai in tamil) upright on the ground during eclipse time. The pestle has iron on both ends and made of wood. This is kept upright and is found to stand upright due to the magnetic pull during eclipse which lasts only few minutes. The people watch the pestle fall off and take this as an indication for the completion time of eclipse. At the time of this eclipse the magnetic pull is very very powerful and also it is during these few seconds or minutes that highly powerful UV rays reach the earth.
UV rays are well – known to cause genetic mutations particularly at the time of foetal development. It is claimed that if a pregnant woman goes out during an eclipse, her baby will be born with a cleft lip. This is because the UV rays and magnetic effect can affected the child particularly during the first 6months of pregnancy. The transfer of magnetic power is aided through iron materials like knife, hair clips, iron rod, tools, machinery, etc. Pregnant women who use kitchen tools or carry such iron rods/materials are likely to face problems of cleft lip children.

Though there are sparse genetic research in these aspects (owing to short span of time of eclipse) it is always better to be precautious !. There are research papers pointing out UV rays to produce genetic mutation and a causative factor for cleft lips.  (MJ Dixon - ‎2011, SS Kohli - ‎2012). University of Iowa researchers and collaborators have identified new genetic mutations that likely cause the common form of cleft lip and palate.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Cleaning copper vessels..

Mix a paste of tomato ketchup or tomato sauce with salt and wipe the copper vessel. After 5 min scrub it off and wash with dish washing liquid.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Spadigam or crystal- interesting facts

Spadigam or crystal- interesting facts

  • Spadigam is a white transparent shining crystal. It reduces body temperature and hence the excess heat from the body
  • How to identify true spadigam?
  • Leave it on a surface preferably wooden or plastic surface like table chair glass etc. Feel it after few minutes. If its chill , its indicative of original spadigam.
  • crystal are thought to be as good absorbers of good positive energy
  • It regulates the sleep pattern of a human body
  • As it regulates the body temperature it also regulates the mind , thinking and calms a disturbed mind
  • It is believed to remove fear or anger
  • it is also called quartz crystal or snow crystal
  • It is made up of Silicon and oxygen (SiO2) but linked to 4 oxygen atoms (SiO4) - tetrahedral in shape
  • it regulates female hormones 
  • Women who have a harder time becoming pregnant, can wear this during their ovulation period to increase the chances of pregnancy 

How to buy carrot?

How to choose carrots?

tapering ones are not good. choose ones which are uniform throughout.
nutrient content is more in such carrots than in ones which are tapering

choose bright orange or reddish orange ones , as these are rich in betacarotene.
betacarotene is an plant pigment(dye) present in plants and can be converted to Vitamin A.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Few short cut keys for PC or laptop users

Short cut keys ………….
Ctrl + C- copy
Ctrl + X- cut
Ctrl + V- paste
Ctrl + A- select all
Ctrl + S- save
Ctrl + N- to open new file
Ctrl + [- to decrease font size
Ctrl + ]- to increase font size
Ctrl + I- to italicize a word
Ctrl + U- to underline a word
Ctrl +B- to make a word bold
Ctrl + F- to find a word in a file
Ctrl + G- to go to a particular page in a file
Ctrl + L- Left alignment 
Ctrl + R-Right alignment
Ctrl + E- Centre alignment
Ctrl + K- to hyperlink a file 

Worm infestation in stomach

Worms are a very common in unhygienic conditions . This is especially for children who play in soil and eat without washing hands. These worms grow well inside stomach taking away all our nutrition. This results in poor nutritional profile of child and howmuch ever the child eats , he or she may look very weak. Giving Albendazole is a remedy. this syrup can be taken once in 6 months. This not only kills the worms in stomach but also the E.coli and other bacteria in stomach. our stomach houses bacteria ( less than 20,000 colonies) which help in absorption of vitamins and minerals from our stomach. When deworming is done , it kills the bacteria too. hence vitamin and mineral absorption is hindered. How can be rectify this condition ? supplementing with yeast , from natural sources and more intake of vitamins is required. Hence one can have sour curds rich in yeast and bacteria that help in vitamin and mineral absorption . Drinking more juices and having more greens also add on to the vitamin and mineral supplementation. That is why after treatment from hospitalisation , doctors give yeast packet , sachharomyces so that vitamins and essentials nutrients are absorbed by the stomach.
When zinc and selenium which are required for hair growth are not absorbed easily from the stomach, there is hair loss .
Also zinc deficieny and nutritional deficiency is seen as white patches on the face like that of fungal infection .
Hygienic conditions are hence a must. Children should be insisted on washing their hands with soap before food. In case of addiction to chocolates , the glucose in it helps in growth of worms. Hence deworming is suggested once in 6 months. subsequent to deworming , intake of juices and natural bacterial supplements is suggested. 

Science Day Feb 28th - in honour of Sir C.V Raman

About Sir C.V.Raman
First Indian to receive Nobel prize
He received Nobel Prize in 1930 for Raman Effect. He received Bharat Ratna in 1954.
He is an Indian Physicist
When light travels through a transparent medium, there is change in wavelength of the some of the deflected light. This is called Raman scattering.

Science day is celebrated every year on Feb 28th in honour of C.V.Raman

picture source: Google images

Raman effect in brief

Raman Effect: fingerprinting the universe-Excerpts from 2010 Times of India
Sir CV Raman won the 1930 Nobel Prize for discovering the "Raman effect".
His discovery has finally become a breakthrough technology.
Raman scanners, weighing just one-third of a kilo, are being used as Hand-held scanners at airports to detect drugs , explosives, hazardous chemicals and gases. 
Police forces are using Raman scanners for forensic work.
The scanners work by detecting the molecular structure of the object they are scanning.
When a beam of light falls on an object, a very small part of it interacts with the atoms of the object and scatters light in a pattern which is unique for a particular molecule. This is the Raman Effect.
Raman scattering is difficult to detect
Lasers are needed to amplify the signal.
Every molecule has a different Raman pattern and hence Raman scanning is called the fingerprinting of the universe

Normally to find the chemical composition of a substance we need to carry out many chemical and physical tests. This is a time consuming process. In this process we use the substance taken for analysis and hence it is a destructive process. Raman scanning takes just 20 seconds. It does not require cutting, extracting or destroying a substance. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Though Soaps are coloured , the foams are always colourless!

We use different kinds of  soap , different colour soaps. Yet whenever we wash, we get only colourless foams or lather. Why is that the lather is not coloured?

when soap is mixed with water and lathered, it mixes air and forms bubbles. This we call foam.  These bubbles have more air inside  than the  soap material. Also colour of natural light is white. This reflection of light in soap produces white foams instead of coloured foams. If we use coloured light and see these foams , the foams may appear coloured since they reflect coloured light.
Thus a thin film of bubble has lots of air and because of low surface tension this thin film forms many small  bubbles - large surface area! When light strikes these innumerable bubbles it gets scattered.
So all foams are white in colour.

Which soap is good ? Which soap has highest TFM?

Cleaning action of soap

Soap’s molecules-consist of a hydrophilic (water loving) and a hydrophobic (water fearing) part.
The water molecules alone are unable to pass through a greasy stain, since oil and water do not mix.
Soap molecules, through their hydrophobic side, pass through the dirt, surround it and disrupt it, while their hydrophilic side helps to dissolve it.

Soap attracts the dirt and water washes away the dirty soap.
Which soap is good for bathing?
Soap which has high TFM is good.
TFM is total fatty matter.

i made a short survey of some of the soaps existing in market.
quite interesting!
Several soaps have good TFM value. Greater the TFM, greater is the ability to remove dirt.

Greater the TFM greater is the cleaning ability of soap

Soap                                   TFM value
Mysore sandal                         78%
cinthol                                   79%
fair glow                                   76%
Godrej no.1                             76%
park avenue                             76%
lux creamy white                       72%
dettol skincare                           71%
margo                                        71%
rexona                                        70%
hamam                                        65%
Himalaya soaps                           76%
Yardley                                        78%
Fiama di wils, Dove, pears oil clear,medimix sandal- bathing bars

lifebuoy -45% TFM

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Benefits of Ear Piercing

Benefits of Ear Piercing

  • This helps in maintaining the reproductive organs and  regularity of menstrual cycle.
  • It helps in preventing hysteria
  • Ear rings help in maintaining the flow of electricity or charges in the body. Charges are lost from the body  through skin. Bangles or ear rings are round in shape and help in restoring this  loss of charges.
  • prevents hernia in male
  • prevents accumulation of fluid in testicles 
  • piercing the  ear lobe activates the brain
  • it helps in memory boost
  • piercing when done in the stages of brain development enhances activation ofbrain.
  • Less than 1 year is the recommended age for ear piercing as the brain growth is rapid in this stage
  • it also helps in enhancing eye  vision
  • Keeps digestive system updated  
  • Courtesy:

How to keep bananas fresh for long?

Bananas can be kept ripe and fresh for long by wrapping with a polythene cover. Ethylene gas released hastens the ripening process. Covering with plastic sheet, prevents contact with ethylene and prevents ripening.

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Know about Google!

We all use Google.
But What is this Google? Why this name?
Few interesting facts:
Google company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
It started in 1998

Googol is a mathematical term for 1 followed by 100 zeros..
This became google !
Denotes the founders vision to have infinite information on the web.
THe headquarters is Googleplex in California
The offices are in 40 countries all over the world