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Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to improve eye sight? the chemistry of Vision

How we see an object is a photochemical reaction. For vision to take place the reaction is conversion of cis-retinal an organic molecule with aldehyde group, to trans-retinal. This process is called cis- trans isomerization. When this process takes place in our eye, we are able to see.
Now Whats the role of carrot ?

carrot has vitamin A.
Vitamin A has trans retinol an organic compound with alcoholic functional group. this has to be converted to cis retinol. THis retinol is then oxidized to retinal . 
Carrot is also an good anti oxidant. It makes us look young. Free radicals generated in our body are responsible for ageing of cells. When these free radicals are removed from the body / quenched, then we can maintain our youth look. This is possible by use of free radical scavengers. Carrot is one such miracle food. 
Drink carrot juice with few milliliters of milk and no added sugar. Vitamins are of two types- water soluble and fat soluble. Fat soluble ones are called lipophilic. Vitamin A is lipophilic . Hence milk to carrot juice would help in easy absorption and utilization of vitamin A. Thus vitamin A helps in good vision and  acts as an anti-ageing agent.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

want instant fairness? want to bleach your face by natural means? follow this tip!

Take 3ml raw unboiled milk in a small bottle cap(so that the milk does not spread). Apply gently on your face with fingers(no cotton). Let it dry. use the same milk from same container to apply again. Likewise apply the whole 3ml . wash off after 15 min. You can see a instant glow and fairness.

Milk is an instant bleach. It removes dirt and oil (which accumulates dirt)

How to prevent common cold and fever?

Does your child suffer from frequent cold, cough and fever? Have you ever wondered why this happens to your child only!?   
Bacteria and virus cause these. Unhygienic atmosphere, contamination with bacteria infected things etc cause spread of such infections.
onion adsorbs these bacteria and virus and it prevents such infections.
Cut 1 or 2 thin slices of onion and leave it in your child's bedroom. It takes up the bacteria and virus in your room !
When the onion becomes shrunk and turns dark , discard without touching it.
Try this! your child will never get infections!

2016 will be full of posts