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Saturday, February 6, 2016

how to combat vitamin deficiency in a natural way avoiding tablets?

For long I have wondered why we take so many vitamin tablets when our body can absorb only very less of it.
Vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency can be overcome by taking rice waterwash with a pinch of salt.
Vitamin C by taking Lime juice with salt
Vitamin D by simply standing for some time in morning sun
Vitamin A by taking carrot  in empty stomach or carrot juice with a spoon of milk

In general we can get intake of all vitamins by including greens veg and fruits

why is abishekam (pooja) milk good?,

Milk is a natural bleach. It can remove dirt and dissolve elements to a small amount. Ancient temples have idols made of panchaloga (madeof 5metals) .our body requires minerals in small quantities . our ancestors have standardised this amount as few millilitres- the amount given to us after abhishekam In take of this milk once a week replenishes our essential mineral intake. 
IN my opinion lets not avoid this milk when given in temples and lets visit temples a week!

Alarming Vitamin B12 deficiency- Tingling feel? you may be Vitamin B12 deficient!

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a silent deficiency disorder on a increase in vegetarians!
Tingling feeling, tiredness, nervous weakness are some of the notable symptoms seen in this deficiency. When somebody pulls a chair strongly a normal person get annoyed but does not  physically much bother us. But this is not so in the case of vitamin B12 deficient people. It produces a strong tingling effect. Mostly palm and feet sense this feeel more and even intake of tablets for a period of time does not cure this. Injections of B12 - methylcobalamin seem to be more effective.

So how do we combat this deficiency or take some precautionary measure to avoid this!
Vitamin B12 is present in appreciable amounts in liver of animal foods. Vegetarian foods lack vitamin B12. Soya has meagre amounts of this vitamin. Hence this deficiency is called a vegetarian disease. 
If you are a non-vegetarian, give your child liver before the age of 15 when the absorption of vitamin b12 is appreciable. This will not produce this deficiency in your life time.!

Best source of Vit B12: rain water, soy milk, Liver (meat)

does iron interfere with calcium absorption in food?

THERE ARE SEVERAL RESEARCHES AND ARGUEMENTS related to absorption of minerals from food.  Its true that iron competes with calcium absorption but does not interfere. Also food preparations are a mixture of varied nutrients. Hence when speakung of a normal diet calcium absorption is not interfered by iron. Except when we take gelusil or such exexternal calcium sources iron absorption may be interfered. Otherwise milk helps in absorption of vitamins particularly vit a d e and k since these are lipid soluble.  Hence in short iron will only compete with calcium and not interfere.

Always synergistic effect only plays a role as far as food prep are concerned.

Ward off evil eyes with salt , pepper and dry red chillies? is it a myth?

Its is customary to use common salt, pepper and red chilly to ward off evil eyes. This is normally done for children mostly for kids. In south India it is common . After few days from birth, this is followed. The science behind it speaks of the chemistry our ancestors knew. Amazing!
Common salt , pepper and chilli take up the bacteria and virus surrounding a person( lets say when your mother uses these in her closed fist and does the suthi podufying ( excuse my language- so that  bloggers understand) with the intention of warding off all evil eyes, all virus, bacteria and other germs are taken up in this medium and this prevents infection. This is also the principle involved in Reiki treatment where the surrounding air is cleansed to cure a disease. To expose our body surroundings to more salt, it was made mandatory to use salt , pepper etc taken around 3 times or nine times both clockwise and anticlockwise direction and to discard without turning back !. The salt does not provide the optimal environment for the microbes to grow. In case of child birth, the new born is visited by many people relatives, neighbours and many well wishers . Increase in number of visitors over a closed area ( since the new born is confined to a closed space) increases microbial concentration in the room . Hence this system was adopted wherein salt removes microbes in the air in the closed space. 
so in the case , when a kid achieves something, a mother is excited and does this suthi poduthal- whenever there is an achievement, people have the habit of congratulating, shaking hands etc which causes more transfer of microbes. HEnce be young or old, using salt to ward off this microbes slowly became warding off evil eyes. 
IF your kid or yourself suffer from an infection be it a fever, common cold or any other pain, using a handful of salt and taking it all over your body from top to bottom and all over the body- clockwise and anticlockwise for atleast 2 minutes will ease you from pain. THis salt should immediately be washed off. 


Migraine is a common problem noted when there is sodium deficiency. At the onset of headache, a glass of water with salt and lime should  be taken. The lime peel can be applied on the forehead. This will ward off the migraine. 

Multani Mitti (Fuller's earth) is nothing but a form of mud

 or clay. When this is mixed with honey or curd or lime 

juice or milk it not only gives glow to your face but also 

relieves you from headache.